Technical Service
Dohle Marine Services Europe providing worldwide cost-effective riding gang services and solutions to the ship-owners and ship repair yards:
Highly skilled, flexible, mobile repair teams are available at short notice, which are able to perform on vessels, any kind of repairs whilst sailing in open sea or staying in foreign ports. These groups consist of highly qualified ship technicians of the following professions:
- Steel workers
- Coded Welders – Certified (IACS Class)
- Pipe-Fitters
- Boiler-Fitters
- Insulation-Fitters
- Machine and Pump Fitters (turners)
- Blasters
- Cleaners
- Painters
- Carpenters
- Deck Equipment members
- Pumps & compressor over-hauling and repair specialist
- Boilers & Heat Exchangers
- Electrical & Automation Technicians
Riding gang members are not part of the required crew complement performing certain maintenance and repair functions. Our riding gang work on board under the supervision of a ships licensed officer (as per various regulations) performing certain maintenance and repair functions:
- Cleaning, mucking out of ballast tanks
- Cleaning, mucking out of cargo tanks
- Engine room cleaning and painting
- Steel work preparation for coating
- De-scaling of steel – corrosion control – grit blasting to require SA, mechanical de-scale, hand scraping
- Coats by brush or airless spray in accordance with owners or manufacturers requirements
- Ballast tanks upgrading
- Renewal of steel in ballast & cargo tanks, holds, decks and engine room
- Renewal of all types of pipes
- Boiler re-tubing and repairs
- Automation and Electronics installers
- Engine overhauls
We are able to form a team in the short time, in compliance with your requirements. Our experience allows us to guarantee our teams’ performance, fast, cost effective and of high quality. Our dedicated teams are available to provide a genuine service to our customers. We aim to be your first point of contact when seeking any external support. We are in Poland, Romania, Ukraine and Russia to assist you and we are confident to provide the right service in time at the right price.
We will be more than happy to serve you whenever you need our service, assistance regarding any inquiries you may have.
Please contact:
Polina Movchan, Technical Specialist
Phone: +48 607 457 666